Come Find Me!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Flea Marketing And Yard Saling! My All Time Favorite Thing to do!

There is just something so Intoxicating for me to go through another Person's discarded Junk.. Anything they have now Deemed Fit to be rid of just tickles me to NO end!! I can hardly contain myself!
The Car won't even have come to a complete Stop yet.. & I'm already Bailing out running for the tables! Which is REALLY a bad thing if I'm the one doing the driving!!
A few weeks ago There was a community Yard sale near My Husbands Shop.. I stopped over for a bit in the morning.. But they seemed to be just getting started.. So I decided to hit the road for awhile.. & head out towards one of my favorite old areas!
(Giving this bunch a chance to get out of bed!!)
I ran into an old couple that had a couple interesting things.. I got a Cobalt Blue bottle for a Qauerter..

Mister had a frame of a Wheel Barrow that was a bit interesting.. No bucket on it.. but I was thinking.. Cute maybe in the Garden with a bunch of Flowers thrown in that direction maybe...? Anway I asked about it.. yes.. of course.. nothing was priced.. so I had to ask.. Well NOW The old guy wanted to talk about EVERYTHING..
He proceeded to tell me that he had Another Wheelbarrow out back.. that DID have the bucket.. I took a look at that one too..
But quikly lost Interest.. When I spied a set of chairs chairs all tangled up & overgrown with vines & weeds even further back on his property..
Yes.. Now is about the time I'm starting to wonder who I may have thought to tell that I was heading off in this direction..
As My Sweet Sister Karin says..

'You Just don't Do things like this up in Steven King Country.."
ANYWAY.. I asked my new friend if he was going to sell the chairs..
He looked.. Then Looked again.. as if he had never seen those chairs before in his entire life.. then he came to life..

'YEAH!! I AM selling those Chairs!!" I asked how much..
Now I wish I could remember.. but I must be ailing myself.. because I'm forgetting if he said $12.00 or $15.00 for all four?? Something like that.. anyway.. I said "Sold Buddy!"
Instantly I could tell he'd wished he'd asked for more!
but he graciously pulled out his Pocket knife & started cutting away at all the ancient Vines on my NEW METAL GARDEN CHAIRS!!
I pulled up my Truck & we loaded them bad boys up after we'd gotten most of their greenery removed!

So THAT was My fantastic haul for THAT venture..
I did head back over to the Sleepy Head Community.. found a couple things.. some teeny Mirrors.. some small things mostly.. I think I've forgotten all that I got from My Glorious Drunken Haze of my Most Awesome Chairs!!! See How Lovely!!!
And Then THIS Little Beautie.. I Call The Chairs from Your Great Grannies Lawn! I got just a Couple Weeks ago at a Flea Market! The Guy wasn't even selling it.. He had his Lunch sitting next to it at his booth.. & was over showing someone a Lawn mower.. I asked how much.. he said.. .."Well It wasn't for sale, but I'll let ya have it for $15.00" I said $10.00.. he said $15.00 i said $10.00 he said ok.. $12.00..
I said ok.. well, You have a great day.. & walked away.. He said.. "Ok.. You can have it for $10.00!"
My Lucky Day For Sure!!!
I LOVE These Chairs! My ALLL Time FAVORITES! And the Gilders too!!!
UGH!!!!!!! Can't ever have too many lawn Furniture I say!


electricdunce said...

Oh my, those chairs are really, really great! Good job, Mrs.Smartypants!

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Kathie, I've got two blue metal chairs similar to your green one...They are such cool reminders of days past.

Bonne said...

Awesome finds!! Stole the chair right out from under him! hahahahaha A little paint and it will be good as new. I love those type of chairs too~what the heck are they called? I know there's a name for them. My Grandma and pa had them at their lake cottage in asst. colors.

Bonne said...

gawd...look how much they are new!!

Bee Haven Bev said...

Great finds Kathie!!! Love the metal chairs. My Mom has a set...she has repainted several times over the years...still as good as new! WOW!