Come Find Me!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thats it! I need to move to the Flea Market!

Ok.. It doesn't seem to matter WHEN you Go.. how Often you go.. or WHERE you Go..
Flea Market, Yard Sale, Garage Sale or Thrift Shop.. You May not find what you had in your "mental" list of Wants or Needs that day as you set out.. but you WILL find something that you JUST can NOT live with out! & to think.. you ALMOST Didn't go that day! or you ALMOST didn't STOP at that one! OMG!! What would have happened?? SOMEONE ELSE would have gotten YOUR Treasure! See.. You CAN NOT let this happen! GET your Butts IN that Car.. & Move it dammit! GO! Do it! Fill up that Lucky Change Purse.. & GO! Because if You Don't..
Me or Nancy Jo will, & WE'LL get Allllllllll the good stuff then!
See.. Just look.. here's a Few of the things I've racked in lately!
The Barn Picture is painted on Linen.. & the "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep" Verse Looks as if it's Always been under glas.. & appears to be really old.. Most of the Other old Odd's & In's were either in the Old Sewing Tin.. or so inexpensive! Lucky me!!